Triton : antifouling autopolissant de très haute performance fabriqué par Castellano peintures à marseille. Les antifouling Castellano sont adaptés au yatching comme à la plaisance et apportent une protection exceptionnelles contre les salissures. Je suis content des deux.
Idéal pour une protection de mois. Il ne convient pas aux bateaux en aluminium.
On hulls that have already been treated with TRITON , remove the porous surface layer with an energetic pressure wash or better still by sanding. The same procedure should be carried out even in the cases of other traditional antifouling , most of which TRITON is compatible with. In case of very porous surface, or one that is . Oceoprotect est mis en œuvre par un . Blanc,Vert,Bleu,Bleu Marine,Noir,Rouge,Gris. Contactez directement le fabricant pour obtenir un devis et connaître les points de vente. Antifouling auto-polissante haute performance.
On hulls already treated with TRITON requires breaking the surface layer porous energetic pressure washing or better by sanding.
The same procedure is carried out even in the case of other traditional antifouling , with most of which the TRITON is compatible. Marlin antifouling matrix hard Seeds. With exceptional effectiveness.
STELLASPEED MATRICE DURE. Can be applied over old anti- fouling of . It can be used on fiberglass boats, wood and iron. Semi-hard matrix antifouling TRITON. Ideal for a protection of months. Couleur : Noir Propriétés : Trèshellip;.
L Fabriquant : Castellano. Peinture marine antisalissure. Houston, Texas-based AkzoNobel has reintroduced its antifouling bottom paints are back on the marktet following a three-year, industry-wide raw material shortage. The flux through the fouled membranes was successfully restored by cleaning with the nonionic detergent Triton X-1and sponge balls. Micron Extra is a polishing antifouling that . Pluronic F108-coated membranes were more easily cleaned.
The antifouling effect induced by this agent was, however, lost after cleaning with Triton X-10 ! Destination : Bateaux à moteur.
Application : En couches recommandées. Brosse I Rouleau I Pistolet. Délais de recouvrement : Minimu4h. Maximunous consulter. Mise en eau : minimum 12h.
The fact that the product is 1 environmentally friendly is an additional incentive . CTAB) and nonionic Triton X-1produced a. Aire-Oaeration mixers ensure simple, low maintenance operation with above surface float or mounted options.
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